"In February 2008, Bangladesh armed force boss Moeen Ahmed came to India on a six-day visit. He approached me as well. Amid the casual communication, I urged him the significance of discharging political detainees," Pranab Mukherjee expressed in his life account, The Coalition Years (1196-2012), as indicated by India Today.
Pranab said in his book that amid the period, all conspicuous political pioneers were detained. Sheik Hasina too was imprisoned.
As indicated by Pranab, Gen Moeen was worried about his rejection by Sheik Hasina after her discharge and the Indian president guaranteed Moeen of his security.
"I assumed individual liability and guaranteed the general of his survival after Hasina's arrival to control. I likewise looked for a meeting with the US president George W Shrub to ask for his mediation in the issue and guarantee the arrival of both Khaleda Zia and Sheik Hasina. With my intercession through the then National Security Counsel MK Narayanan, I guaranteed the arrival of every single political detainee and the country's arrival to strength," the India Today said citing Pranab as saying in the autobiography.
While India kept on drawing in with the guardian government, "we focused on the requirement for a full rebuilding of majority rules system through quiet, believable, free and reasonable races".
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