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Kangana Ranaut's Exes 'Want To Get Back' With Her But She's Marrying Someone Else

Performing artist Kangana Ranaut has guaranteed that all her previous beaus (all, mind) regardless you hold a light for her yet that for her, once an ex, dependably an ex. She said this in a meeting to Times of India that was distributed, rather suitably, on Valentine's Day. "When I am seeing someone, am truly into it, yet when it's over, I never think back. I have a record of failing to go back to my exes, never meeting them again. All my exes need to get back with me, that is likewise a record I hold," the 29-year-old performing artist told TOI. Performing artists Aditya Pancholi and Adhyayan Suman are accepted to be among this rundown of previous love interests. Kangana has likewise asserted her Krrish 3 co-star Hrithik Roshan as an ex,which he question and over which the performing artists occupied with a long arrangement of legitimate wrangling all of a year ago.

Kangana likewise revealed to TOI that she separates quickly once a sentiment has run its course. "I take one week to get over a relationship regardless of the possibility that it might have gone on for a long time. I really accept there is a considerable measure to life. The reason I get over a relationship so effectively is on account of when I am in it, I give it my everything and on the off chance that it doesn't work out, I know there is nothing I can do about it," she said in the meeting.

Likewise, Kangana Ranaut says she's seeing someone and would like to get hitched for this present year. She revealed to TOI that the sentiment is intelligent of the 'immaculate love'

that her character Miss Julia offers with Shahid Kapoor's character Nawab Malik in new film Rangoon. Who Kangana is dating at this moment wasn't uncovered however she says it's the kind of adoration that "makes us the best form of ourselves" and "sets you free."

Safe to see Kangana Ranaut's 2017 ought to be as momentous as her 2016 was Rangoon, which additionally stars Saif Ali Khan as the second man in Miss Julia's life, is an affection triangle set in a World War II-time Burma invade by military troops. Coordinated by Vishal Bhardwaj, Rangoon discharges on February 24.

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