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In Angry Tweets, Raj Kundra Denies He Left Employees' Salaries Unpaid

Raj Kundra, performer Shilpa Shetty's agent spouse

, has rejected charges that pay rates were left unpaid when he surrendered as President of a home-shopping channel he co-possesses. Today, Mr Kundra questioned claims made in an early afternoon report around half pay cuts and pending levy. In a tweet tended to the late morning writer who detailed the story, Mr Kundra expressed, "Dismal that you have to make up stories. There is not a solitary pay I exited unpaid before venturing down." because of an update from the columnist that a report incorporated an announcement from the Head Working Officer of COO about exceptional installments, Raj Kundra tweeted:

Recently, early afternoon revealed that Raj Kundra surrendered as President of Best Arrangement television on December 15 and that workers were all the while educated that they would get a half pay cut in the pay rates for November and December, supposedly accordingly of the cash boycott that Executive Narendra Modi declared in the primary week of November. A displeased worker told early afternoon, "Generation was halted on November 1, just about seven days before the administration's note boycott declaration. By what method can demonetisation be the reason? We were paid for half of November yet will be yet to get pay rates for the rest of the month-and-a-half. We've made a few endeavors to connect with them, yet haven't got a reaction. The majority of us are jobless and scarcely figuring out how to bolster our families."

The report likewise cites COO Hari Krishnan as saying, "On the off chance that they are grumbling about accepting just a large portion of the sum, it isn't right. We had conveyed about the 50 for every penny pay cut, which has been forced no matter how you look at it, in composing. The organization has 90 days to make the full and last settlement. So in fact, we have time till Walk 31 to clear exceptional levy."

Best Arrangement television's operations are still suspended, early afternoon reports. Raj Kundra, who claims 63% of the organization with Shilpa Shetty, is apparently still on the top managerial staff.

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