The on-screen character, who is the brand envoy for Ambi Pur India, shared the news of getting to be granddad by means of Twitter after his child Danesh and girl in-law Reah respected their first kid a month ago.
"Many individuals ask me 'how can it feel to be a terrific father'. I don't recognize what to say ... What am I expected to say that 'I am feeling somewhat more seasoned', 'my facial hair has gone longer' or do I need to sound more astute or need to quit being shrewd or being my joyful self," Boman told IANS over telephone from Mumbai.
He included: "In truth it has been the a different way. I feel so excited to be a fabulous father. I feel youthful on a fundamental level - that is what is vital to me."
The performing artist may be occupied with encouraging individuals to take a 'Smelfie Test' to free their homes of scent, however he ensures he takes out time to go through with the infant named Ziaan.
The "3 Nitwits" star feels that the infant has acquired a "considerable measure of vitality in his life".
"I am having a great time. He is a joy and has brought a considerable measure of vitality into my life ... I simply sit and gaze into his face and he gazes back at me. We have an extraordinary bond. It is a phenomenal feeling that I can't start to portray," he said.
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