"So excited!1st day of shoot of my next film #HASEENA starts with @SiddhanthKapoor all the best @apoorvalakhia! #HaseenaBegins @haseenamovie," Shraddha, 29, tweeted.The performer's senior sibling On-screen character Siddhanth Kapoor will paper the part of Dawood. At first, it was Sonakshi Sinha who had concurred for the part of Haseena yet she later quit.
"So excited!1st day of shoot of my next film #HASEENA starts with @SiddhanthKapoor all the best @apoorvalakhia! #HaseenaBegins @haseenamovie," Shraddha, 29, tweeted.The performer's senior sibling On-screen character Siddhanth Kapoor will paper the part of Dawood. At first, it was Sonakshi Sinha who had concurred for the part of Haseena yet she later quit.
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