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Exclusive: Kangana Ranaut Tells The Story Of When She Couldn’t Even Afford A Brownie

We adored doing our Bollywood backstories exceptional on our Saavn appear, Bollywood+ with MissMalini, so much that we needed to do a section two – just to get you considerably more stories. We addressed Sushant Singh Rajput, Aditi Rao Hydari, Kangana Ranaut, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Farah Khan and Boman Irani to get every one of the points of interest on their adventure.

She let us know: "When I was in Delhi, I was living with a companion who used to work at Pepsi. I was truly living with her. She was dealing with my costs. So I went for this meeting in a café and I was truly youthful, similar to 16, 17 – so I used to have this insane craving. What's more, I saw chocolate cakes. In any case, when you go for these gatherings, you need to pay for yourself. I sat tight for this person my identity expected to hand over my portfolio to, and I was taking a gander at these enormous chocolate brownies and speculation – the day I make it, I'm going to eat a major brownie. That day hasn't come yet. Since you don't eat brownies when you turn into a star!"

She likewise said her excursion all in all was really hopeless. You can get every one of the subtle elements on the show.

عن المدونة

مستر أبوعلي مدونة تقنية تحتوى على مجموعة دروس ودورات فى مجالات تقنية مختلفة مثل دروس انظمة التشغيل والبرامج والالعاب وبلوجر وفوتوشوب وتطبيقات اندوريد والربح من الانترنت وغيره من الشروحات المميزة تاست مدونة مستر ابوعلى عام 2013 وبفضل الله نالت اعجاب الكثير مؤسس المدونة مستر ابوعلى مدون مصرى

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